
Thursday, 2 July 2015

Basic understand of Electronic & Electrical laws

Ohm’s law: It states that, the electrical current flowing through a conductor material is directly proportional to the voltage difference between the ends of the conductor material, keeping the physical conditions unaltered.
                                                   I proportional to V

Where, I= electric current flowing through conductor material,
           V= voltage difference between the ends of the conductor material.

                                                 Or, V/I=constant

This constant is known as resistance of the conductor material and is denoted by `R’.

Law of Resistance: This law states that the resistance of a conductor material is directly proportional to the length of the conductor, inversely proportional to the cross-section of the conductor and depends upon the nature of the conductor material at constant temperature.

                 Now we can say that, R =p. l/a

                 Where R = resistance of the conductor material
                              l = length of the conductor material
                              a= cross-section area of the conductor material
                              p= specific resistance or resistivity of the conductor material.

Kirchoff’s law: When the electrical networks cannot be solved by ohm’s law, then we take help to different laws and theorem to save time and to reduce mathematical calculations.
Kirchoff’s laws comprise of two laws: (1) Current or point law and (2) Voltage or mesh law.

Current or point law: It states that the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a point in an electrical circuit is always zero.
This law proves that the incoming current = outgoing current

Voltage or mesh law: It states that, in any closed part of an electric circuit, the algebraic sum of the E.M.F is equal to the algebraic sum of the products of the resistances and currents flowing through them.

Coulomb’s law: The electric force attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The force acts along the line joining the two charges and its value depends upon the nature of the intervening medium.

Explain: Let us consider two point charges q₁ and q₂ separated by a distance r, then from Coulomb’s law, the electric force F between the two charges in vacuum is given by,
F proportional q₁. q₂/r²

Where ε₀ be the permittivity of vacuum

Where 1/4 π ε₀ = 9×10⁹ Nm²C⁻²

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Electrical & Electronic units

What is ampere?

It is measuring unit of the rate of electron flow or current in an electrical conductor. One ampere current means one coulomb of electrical charge (6.24 x 1018 charge carriers) which is moving past an exact point in one second. Physicists think about current to flow from relatively positive points to relatively negative points; this is called conventional current or Franklin current. According to Andre Marie Ampere, French physicist Ampere name is placed.

What is dBm?

Generally, the term dBm is used to describe signal strength in wires and cables in RF and AF frequencies. The symbol is a short form for “dB-milliwatt," where one milliwatt (1 mW) equals 1/1000 of a watt. It is an electrical power unit in decibels (dB), referenced to 1 milliwatt (mW).
1 milliwatt is equal to 0 dBm:
1mW = 0dBm
1 watt is equal to 30dBm
1W = 1000mW = 30dBm

What is dBw?

The decibel watt or dBW is the unit of the strength of a signal expressed in decibels to one watt. It is used to express both large and small values of power in a short range of number. dBW or decibel-watt is a unit of power in decibel scale, referenced to 1 watt (W).
1 watt is equal to 0 dBW:
1W = 0dBW
1 milliwatt is equal to -30dBW
1mW = 0.001W = -30dBW

What is decibel?

The decibel (dB) is used to determine sound level, but it is widely used in electronics, signals and communication. The dB is a logarithmic way of relating a ratio between two signal powers, current, or voltage levels. The ratio may be sound pressure, power, voltage or quite a few other things. Decibel units are generally used in both the hardware kind and the software kind, audio equalizers, as a convenient reference point while editing.

What is farad?

The standard unit of capacitance is farad in the International System of Units (SI). Base on SI units, one farad is the equal of one second to the fourth power ampere squared per kilogram per meter squared. When the voltage pass through a 1 F capacitor its changes at a rate of one volt per second (1 V/s), a current flow of 1 A results. It produces 1 V of potential difference for an electric charge of one coulomb. The extremely large unit of capacitance is farad.
Units of microfarads (µF), where 1 µF = 10-6 F, and picofarads (pF), where 1 pF = 10-12 F, are used.

What is kVA?

kVA is most widely used in electronics circuit. kVA means kilo-volt-ampere. kVA is a unit of apparent power, which is electrical power unit.
1 kilo-volt-ampere is equal to 1000 volt-ampere
1kVA = 1000VA
1 kilo-volt-ampere is equal to 1000 times 1 volt times 1 ampere
1kVA = 1000·1V·1A

What is kW?

The unit of power measurement is Kilowatt (kW). The kilowatt is equal to one thousand watts
One kilowatt (kW) is equal to 1000 watts (W):
1kW = 1000W
One kilowatt is defined as energy utilization of 1000 joules for 1 second:
1kW = 1000J / 1s
One kilowatt is equal to 1000000 milliwatts:
1kW = 1000000mW

What is kWh?

The unit of energy is kilowatt-hour. It is equivalent to one kilowatt of power spent for one hour of time. The kilowatt-hour is not a standard unit in any formal system, but it is commonly used in electrical applications.
An energy outflow of 1 kWh represents 3,600,000 joules (3.600 x 106 J). Simply convert between kWh to joules or Joules to kWh, multiply by 3.600 x 106 or multiply by 2.778 x 10-7.

What is Ohm?

The SI unit of electrical resistance passes on a current of one ampere when subjected to a potential difference of one volt. The standard unit of electrical resistance is Ohm. It is the International System of Units (SI) of resistance. Reduced to base SI units, one ohm is the equivalent of one kilogram meter squared per second cubed per ampere square. The ohm is also the correspondent of a volt per ampere (V/A).

In a DC circuit, a component has a resistance of one ohm when a potential difference of one volt produces a current of one ampere through the component. Resistive ohms act the same as they act in DC circuits, provided the root-mean-square (rms) AC voltage is specified. In AC and RF circuits, reactance exists only when there is a net capacitance or inductance.

Basic knowledge about Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power, Power Efficiency, Power Factor.

What is voltage?

It is a quantitative expression of the potential difference in charge between two points in an electrical field. Voltage is also called electromotive force.
Greater voltage means the greater flow of electrical current through a conducting or semi-conducting medium used for a given resistance to the flow. Voltage is shown by letter “V” or “E”. The standard unit is the “volt”. One volt will drive one coulomb (6.24 x 1018) charge carriers, for example electrons, through a resistance of one ohm in one second.

What is current?

Current is flow through one side to another side, its carriers electrical charge usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms.  The letter “I” is indicate the symbol of current. The standard unit is the “ampere”, symbolized by “A”. One ampere of current represents one coulomb of electrical charge (6.24 x 1018 charge carriers) in one second, basically current flows from quite positive points to comparatively negative points.
There are two types of current direct or alternating. Direct current (DC) flows in the same path by any means points in time. In an alternating current (AC), is charge carriers reverses way periodically.

What is resistance?

Resistance is a substance that opposes the flow of current in the wire.  It is represented by “R” of the capital letter. It measured unit is ohm which is represented by Greek letter “omega”. When an electric current of one ampere passes through a component across which a potential difference (voltage) of one volt exists, then the resistance of that component is one ohm.

What is power?

Power is the rate by the side of which electrical energy is converted to another form, for example motion, heat, or an electromagnetic field. It is defined the letter “P”. The standard unit the watt is symbolized by “W”. In utility circuits, the kilowatt (kW) is often specified instead; 1 kW = 1000 W.

What is power efficiency?

Power Efficiency is equal to the 100% ratio of the output power divided by the input power. It is called power efficiency.
η is the efficiency in percent (%).
Pin is the input power use in watts (W).
Pout is the output power or real work in watts (W).
η = 100% · Pout / Pin

What is power factor?

The power factor is equal to the true power”P” divided by the apparent power |S|. It is called power factor.
The power factor values in the range either 0 or 1.
When all the power is reactive power with no real power (usually inductive load) - the power factor is 0. & when all the power is real power with no reactive power (resistive load) - the power factor is 1.
PF = P (W) / |S (VA)|
PF - power factor.
P   - Real power in watts (W).
|S|   - apparent power in volt·amps (VA).

Sunday, 21 June 2015

All Type of Electronic Components

In Electronics, There are two types of component 1) Active Component, 2) Passive Component

Active Component: The electronics components require an external source of energy to perform their function. Example of Active Component includes amplifying components such as Transistor, Vaccum Tubes, and Tunnel Diodes. Etc.

Passive Component: They can't introduce net energy for the circuit. Though they can’t amplify. So they don’t needs to perform. Example of Passive Components such as capacitor, resistor, inductors, and transformers.

There are so many verities of active component


Diodes – It is an electrical device to permit current to go through it in one direction. There are different type of diode and Light-emitting diode

Diode, Rectifier, Bridge rectifier
Zener diode – Pass current in reverse direction to provide a constant voltage reference
Schottky diode, hot carrier diode – Very fast diode with minor forward voltage drop
Transient voltage suppression diode (TVS), Unipolar or Bipolar – Used to absorb high-voltage spikes
Varactor, Tuning diode, Varicap, Variable capacitance diode – A diode whose AC capacitance varies according to the DC voltage applied.
Photodiode – Passes current in proportion to incident light
Light-emitting diode (LED) – A diode that emits light
Avalanche photodiode - Photodiode with internal gain
Solar Cell, photovoltaic cell, PV array or panel, produces power from light
DIAC (Diode for Alternating Current), Trigger Diode) – Often used to trigger an SCR
Constant-current diode

Transistors - A transistor is a semiconductor device utilized to increase as well as change electric alerts and electricity. Different type of transistors

Bipolar junction transistor (BJT, or simply "transistor") – NPN or PNP
Darlington transistor – NPN or PNP
Photo transistor – Amplified photo detector
Photo Darlington – Amplified photo detector
Field-effect transistor (FET)
JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor) – N-CHANNEL or P-CHANNEL
MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET) – N-CHANNEL or P-CHANNEL
MESFET (MEtal Semiconductor FET)
HEMT (High electron mobility transistor)
Sziklai pair (Compound transistor, complementary Darlington)
Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) – Passes current only after triggered by a sufficient control voltage on its gate
TRIAC (TRIode for Alternating Current) – Bidirectional SCR
Unijunction transistor (UJT)
Programmable Unijunction transistor (PUT)
SIT (Static induction transistor)
SITh (Static induction thyristor)
IGBT (Insulated-gate bipolar transistor)
Composite transistors

Integrated circuits -

Current sensor – Senses a current through it
Hall Effect sensor –senses a magnetic field

Optoelectronic devices -

Opto switch, Opto interrupter, Optical switch, Optical interrupter, Photo switch, Photo interrupter
Opto-Isolator, Opto-Coupler, Photo-Coupler – Photodiode, BJT, JFET, SCR, TRIAC, Zero-crossing TRIAC, Open collector IC, CMOS IC, Solid state relay (SSR)
LED display – Seven-segment display, Sixteen-segment display, Dot-matrix display

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Learn Basic Electronics Properly Guidence

Most of the technological advancements that we see today are due to all electronics. The products that we use in our everyday lives were once just concepts, before someone made them a reality whether it is a Smart phone or a toy robot. If you think that you can make a product that can solve even the smallest problem, you should learn basic electronics to convert your ideas into reality.

As I mentioned above, you need to learn electronics and understand what the circuit components in an electronic circuit do. The problem, however, with learning a new set of skills is finding the right place to start.

So to learn the basics of electronics, you need a resource which explains everything in a super simple way. Though it is not the purpose of this article to explain basic electronics, the following points will give you an outline of the most basic concepts you should be looking to learn:

What are Voltage, current, power and their respective units?
What is the function of a resistor, and how to tell its resistance by looking at it?
What is a capacitor and what is its function?
What is an inductor and where it is used?
How to measure resistance, impedance, capacitance, current and voltage etc.
What are semiconductors & transistors and why are they used.
The difference between AC and DC.
How to draw circuits on paper and how to understand and solve/simplify them.

So it is mostly important thing to remember that you need to focus on very carefully and also be passionate.